[Studio - World] I want to add an image/video/music to my World. [Studio - World] I want to add an image/video/music to my World.

[Studio - World] I want to add an image/video/music to my World.


You can include images and audio in the World that you create.

However, if it infringes copyright or is determined as inappropriate, it may be rejected.

Images and audio that are acceptable are as follows:

  • Image
    • Image created by the World creator
    • Image that the World creator has the ownership and/or authorization
      • In this case, include proper credits in the World description
    • Images that can be distributed at no cost
  • Audio
    • Audio created by the World Creator
    • Audio that the World creator has the ownership and/or authorization for, or royalty-free music
      • In the case of royalty-free music, make sure you include the source in the World description


World submissions with video content will automatically be rejected.


In addition, the World creator is responsible for issues that arise as a result of image and/or audio integration. If the image and/or audio is used inappropriately or video is added later on, the World may be unpublished.


Please review the ZEPETO Submission Submission Guidelines prior to submitting a World for review.
▶︎ Go to Submission Guidelines


If you would like to report audio/video/image related issues in any Worlds, please contact ZEPETO Customer Service.
We will review the content and unpublish the World if it is found to violate the guidelines.