Initial setting of my profile Initial setting of my profile

Initial setting of my profile


Welcome to ZEPETO!

Welcome to ZEPETO. For those of you who are taking the first step to ZEPETO, I'm going to decorate my profile and introduce you to a routine where you can find friends easily.

1. Adding information to a profile

Please add my information such as status messages and profile pictures that introduce me in [My Profile]. You can find recommended friends based on the information entered!

2. Follow your friends

Follow at least 5 of your recommended friends. If you link various social media accounts such as Facebook and contact information with ZEPETO, you can easily find a friend who is using ZEPETO. Why don't you go to ZEPETO World with your friend?

3. Register your feed

Register your own unique posts! You can upload your feed in various new and trend poses with your friends at the photo booth. Posts you upload will be exposed to [My Profile]. The more feeds you register, the more you can communicate with your friends. Send hearts and leave comments.