Can I go Live from a PC? Can I go Live from a PC?

Can I go Live from a PC?


ZEPETO Live is also available on PC.

Use your PC camera to express various reactions, from facial expressions to upper body movements, and enhance your content with gestures, outfit changes, and background customization.


PC Live Requirements

The PC Live program is only available to select creators who meet the following requirements for stable service:

  1. Live Access: You must have ZEPETO Live access.
  2. Minimum Device Specifications: Your PC must meet the minimum requirements to run the PC Live program.
    • OS: Windows (10, 11) / Mac (intel X64, Arm)
    • CPU: Intel i5 or higher
    • Memory(RAM): 8GB or more
    • Internet Speed: 70Mbps or higher


PC Live Program Download

If you meet these requirements, you can download the PC Live program. (Follow the link)

  • Path: Swipe the top banner on the Live Home or Live Room list and click on the [PC Live Program Guide] banner.

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  • If you don't have live access or your device doesn't meet the specifications, the program won't be available for download.