Paid Service Terms and Conditions (Revised : 12 November, 2021) Paid Service Terms and Conditions (Revised : 12 November, 2021)

Paid Service Terms and Conditions (Revised : 12 November, 2021)


The translation below is provided for your convenience only. If there is any discrepancy between the translation in English and the original Korean text (including any discrepancies arising due to a delay in translation), the original Korean text shall take precedence.

Paid Service Terms and Conditions

Revised : 12 November, 2021, Revised : 23rd July, 2021

  1. Purpose and Scope of Application

1.1. These Terms and Conditions govern your access and use of the ZEM and Coin (“ZEM”, hereinafter collectively referred to as “Credit”) service and any paid use while defining the terms and procedures thereof.

1.2. These Terms and Conditions are for the benefit of anyone who has purchased Credit or the Paid Service.

1.3. These Terms and Conditions are attached to the ZEPETO Terms of Use (hereinafter “Terms of Use”). Any matters that are not specified herein shall be subject to the Terms of Use.


  1. Definitions of Terms

2.1. The same definitions as those in the Terms of Use shall apply to these Terms and Conditions.

2.2. Terms added to these Terms and Conditions are defined as follows:

① “Credit” refers to an electronic token or its information as an electronic payment tool issued by the Company to be exchanged for users to buy or use Paid Services. The name may change at the discretion of the Company.

② “Paid Services” refers to products or services provided by the Company for which Users pay.


  1. Content of the Credit, the Paid Services, and the Usage Period

3.1. To allow you to easily access and understand information on the exchange (purchase) conditions before buying Credit or Paid Services (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Credit etc.” in this Article) and to avoid a mistake or error, we will include the following information in these Terms and Conditions or the homepage of any applicable Paid Service. Each of the following pieces of content, including the explanation page as provided in ②, is part of these Terms and Conditions, which constitute Users’ and the Company’s consent under the Terms.

① Name of the corporation, and the name, address, and phone number of the representative of the paid service entity

② Details regarding the use of "Credit etc." including type, prices, usage method, period, and conditions

▶ Page with information on "Credit etc.":

③ Information on terms and procedures relating to withdrawal, the withdrawal deadline, the effect, fee refunds, etc.

④ Customer compensation for damage, and settling complaints or conflicts

3.2. The usage period of the Credit will be determined by us, and notification will be provided. Credit not used within a defined period of time may automatically expire under the rule of the commercial prescription. However, if any law stipulates a shorter period of time than this relating to unused credit that has’, the rule shall take precedence.

3.3. We may cancel or amend the types or prices of the Paid Services via notification. However, if the change or cancellation is unfavorable to or has a large impact on you, we will change the content following the Posting and Amending terms in Article 2 of the Terms of Use.

3.4. We will provide compensation for damages that have occurred to you (the non-defaulting party) due to any amendment in the service type or content as specified in the previous Paragraph that does not allow you to enjoy the Paid Services under the same conditions as the time of purchase.


  1. Formation of Credit Use Agreement

An agreement on Credit use shall be made when you agree to these Terms and Conditions and buy (charge) Credit using a payment tool and method defined by the Company.


  1. Credit Purchase (Charge) and Usage

5.1. You can charge Credit by paying with a credit card, mobile phone, or bank transfer using Google Play or App Store. However, depending on the service conditions, you may be forced to use in-app payment. If there is a separate operator who manages a payment system through which you pay, you will have to go through a payment procedure ahead of time as per the operator’s request to complete to pay. The charging and use of 'credits' can be done freely by the 'member,' but may be limited for the 'company' due to the operating policies, related laws or guidelines, or government guidelines, etc.

5.2. We may not approve or suspend an application for a purchase (charge) submitted by the User, and we may terminate the Credit use agreement afterward in the following instances.

① You used a false name or someone else’s name

② A charge is suspected to be related to hacking as it was generated from an IP address designated to be dangerous due to analysis of a large volume of transactions from an identical IP address, unusual successive transactions with a similar ID, previous hacking incidents, etc.

③ Your information turns out to be false or you are missing required information

④ A youth aged under 18 applied for the service without consent from a legal representative

⑤ The payment has not been confirmed or appears not to have been confirmed

⑥ You violated any Terms of Use such as copyright infringement on the content (including the Paid Services)

⑦ You have been restricted from using the service following the Terms of Use

⑧ You have violated either ① or ⑦ in the past

⑨ Application approval is against any laws or the terms and conditions of the Company, or approval would undermine social health or morals

5.3. We may suspend approval until the following issues are resolved.

① A defect occurred in the service

② Lack of service equipment or manpower for a normal operation

5.4. If the Credit use agreement is concluded after the charge you made was successful, we will immediately deliver the contract details, including each provision of Article 3.1, to you. Provided that you make an in-app payment, the delivery or notification shall follow the applicable app market policy.

5.5 Credit is classified into two types: paid and free. The free-of-charge credit diverges again into paid credit; bonus credit (hereinafter referred to as Bonus Credit), which is given additionally when you make a purchase; and activity credit, which is given if you participate in activities within the Service such as promotion, ad watching, or quest achievement hosted by the Company. Credit is prioritized according to the following order when you have more than one Credit. If you have multiple credits of the same kind, Credit will be used faster the shorter its expiry date is.

  • Free Credit (Not Bonus Credit)
  • Bonus Credit
  • Paid Credit


  1. Formation of the Paid Service Use Agreement

6.1. An agreement on 'Paid Service' use will be made when you agree to these Terms and Conditions and purchases the 'Paid Service' using the 'Credit' charged under the 'Credit' use agreement or the payment method determined by the 'Company.'

6.2. Cases of refusal, approval suspension, and cancellation of an application for the 'Paid Services' by the User shall apply to Article 5.2 and 5.3.

6.3. If the 'Paid Service' use agreement is concluded after you pay, we will immediately deliver the contract details, including each provision of Article 3.1, to you. Provided that you make an in-app payment, delivery or notifications regarding the purchase details shall follow the applicable app market policy.


  1. Sending Gifts

7.1. You may gift a 'Paid Service' via a method predetermined by the 'Company' as long as the product is selected before it is gifted. Matters regarding the method, limit, procedure, and refunds shall be determined by the policy set by the 'Company'.

7.2. The right to request a refund for the Paid Service belongs to the final owner of the service. Provided that the rightful owner is unable to exercise this right, the person who made the purchase may request a refund. Once the Company gives a refund, we will bear no further responsibility for matters related to refunds.

7.3. The Paid Service, once accepted by the recipient, shall be restricted from the contract withdrawal as the service is deemed to have been used after accepting the reception of a gift.


  1. Special Provisions on Agreements Signed by Minors

8.1. If you are a minor (aged under 18) or deemed not to be legally competent, you will need to take a legal step such as obtaining permission from a legal representative (parents, guardian, etc.) before buying the Credit or Paid Service. You cannot buy the Credit or Paid Service if you fail to obtain prior consent from the legal representative requested by the Company.

8.2. For the use of minors as described in the previous Paragraph, a legal representative may sign up for payment via a mobile phone following the Company guidelines. Once this process is completed, we will notify representatives of details about the payment completion.

8.3. During the consent procedure specified in the previous Paragraph, a legal representative can set an expiry date for consent according to the Company guidelines, and the Company will ask via SMS, etc. whether the representative wants to extend the consent period thirty (30) days before the expiry date.

8.4. A legal representative may retract permission at any time by visiting the customer center page or separate cancellation page displayed below. In this case, purchases made before the cancellation will not be refunded (Article 7, Civil Law of Korea).

▶Customer Center:

▶Consent Retraction:

8.5. If you pretend to be an adult (over 18’ of ‘of legal age) by stealing someone’s personal information to make a purchase, impersonate a legal representative for the consent procedure, or make us believe you are an adult (over 18’ of ‘of legal age) by using someone else’s payment information, you or your legal representative will not be able to unilaterally withdraw any purchases of the Credit or Paid Service regardless of whether the consent from a legal representative is false or not under relevant laws.

8.6 If a 'member' is classified under limited ability such as minors, the 'company' may restrict or limit its services such as 'credit' usage and 'paid products' purchases. Services that are affected will be disclosed in individual service terms.


  1. Withdrawal etc.

9.1. Under the Act on The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc. (hereinafter E-Commerce Act), you may withdraw or cancel a purchase agreement (hereinafter “Withdrawal etc.”) within seven (7) days from the time you are given the purchase details or the service. However, if you have used the service already, the Withdrawal etc. will not be available. You will be clearly notified by us of the refund policy at the time of the service purchase.

9.2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may withdraw your service agreement no later than three (3) months after the service delivery or within thirty (30) days from the day on which you know or are likely to know that the service is different from its outward appearance or advertising, or that it has been operated in a way that differs from that of the agreement.

9.3. If you indicate a desire to withdraw in case proviso Paragraph 9.1. of Paragraph 9.2., the service you purchased will be returned under the E-Commerce Act, and we will take the following steps following the E-Commerce Act.

9.4. All the matters on the Withdrawal etc. of this Article will be determined by the E-Commerce Act.


  1. Effect of Withdrawal

10.1. The Company will refund payments within three (3) business days of your indication of your desire to withdraw using the same method as the payment method. If a refund cannot be made in the same way, you will be notified in advance. If a payment method requires payment confirmation, we will refund the payment within 3 business days of confirming the payment.

10.2. If we make a refund under the preceding Paragraph, we may deduct an amount equivalent to the profit you have obtained from using the paid service from the refund.

10.3. If we give a refund for goods that you paid for via payment methods such as a credit card or an electronic payment method, we will request that the carrier who provided the payment method suspend or cancel charges for goods without delay. However, we may also not do so in any of the situations outlined in Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2.

10.4. If the Company, the party that received the payment for the Paid Service, or the party that concluded the Paid Service use agreement with you is not the same as you, each party will be jointly responsible for fulfillment of the obligation related to the Withdrawal, etc.

10.5. In connection with app market payments (in-app payments), we will take action by the E-Commerce Act including payment suspension and cancellation requests for the app market. However, please refer to our app market policy regarding the particular app market application according to our request.


  1. Returns and Refunds Except for the Withdrawal etc.

You may request a refund of the Credit balance. In this event, we will begin the refund process by complying with relevant laws. However, refund requests will be accepted only if you have paid for Credit. Any Credit given to you free of charge from a bonus and promotion is not refundable.


  1. Termination etc.

12.1. Either the User or Company may terminate this contract if the other party fails to fulfill the obligations defined in the Credit or Paid Service use agreement for a considerable period of time.

12.2. The Company may immediately terminate the Credit or Paid Service use agreement with you if either ① or ⑦ (limited to someone who is permanently restricted from using the service) of Article 5.2. applies to you.

12.3. You will need to use up your Credit or have your Credit refunded to you before withdrawing from the service as your personal information will be deleted after withdrawal under the Personal Information Protection Act. If you leave the service without a refund request, the Company will not be responsible for Credit recovery or a refund.


  1. Our Limitation to Liability

13.1. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for damages incurred in the event of non-delivery of the Credit or Paid Service you purchased due to force majeure events such as natural disasters.

13.2. If the Credit or Paid Service is purchased for reasons attributable to the 'User' and therefore cannot be provided to you as agreed, the Company shall not be held liable unless there is an intentional error or gross negligence.

13.3. The Company shall not be responsible for any disputes that occur between Users or between the User and a third party because of the Credit or Paid Service.


  1. Assignment Prohibition

No User may assign to others or dispose of the rights and obligations created under these Terms and Conditions for the creation of encumbrance.


  1. Settling Disputes with the Company and Compensation

15.1. If you cannot normally use the Credit or Paid Service that you already paid for or receive any other damages due to our negligence or intention, we will take every effort to address the issue and provide proper compensation.

15.2. We have run a webpage to address customer issues, listen to customer complaints, and settle disputes, including refunds and damage compensation.

▶ Q&A and Consultation for the Credit and Paid Services: