What are the risks of platform hopping? What are the risks of platform hopping?

What are the risks of platform hopping?


What to do if someone you’re talking to wants to connect elsewhere

Platform hopping happens when someone you met on ZEPETO asks to connect on a different social media platform. Maybe they’re curious about what you’re like outside of ZEPETO, or they want to get to know you better. Whatever the case, it’s important to approach switching platforms with caution. To be safe, treat your other social media profiles like any other sensitive personal information. 

Knowing the risks 

It can endanger your privacy

When you move to a different platform, you might reveal more personal information than you intended, especially if your other social profiles include your real name, location, school, or contact details. Sharing this information can put you at risk of being misused.  


It can complicate blocking and reporting the user

If your conversation started on ZEPETO, but any wrongdoing happened elsewhere, it can be tricky to report. This is why we strongly caution against moving to a different platform or sharing your contact information, like a phone number or email address. Within ZEPETO, you can find tools for reporting, blocking, and managing interactions. Staying on the platform ensures you have access to these resources if needed.



Navigating the risks

We strongly caution against platform-hopping. There might be instances where you’ve developed trust with someone and you’re confident you’re making a safe choice. In those instances, here are some tips to empower you to continue practicing digital mindfulness and keep yourself safe. 

Maintain control of your privacy

Regardless of how much you trust someone, it’s still important to look out for red flag behavior and enforce your boundaries, especially when it comes to privacy. 



IMPORTANT NOTE: If you trusted someone with your contact info or additional social profiles and they broke that trust by harassing you or misusing and exploiting your information, that’s not your fault. 

Use any safety resources available to you

Most social media platforms have specialized safety features and human moderators to protect you from people looking to do harm. But there are resources and tools you can learn and practice to continue making your experience safer.  And you can always ask for help!

Visit safetycenter.zepeto.me and check out all of the different tools, guides, and resources ZEPETO provides to make our community safer. 



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