Collectem FAQs Collectem FAQs

Collectem FAQs


Here are some frequently asked questions about Collectibles.



  • When I try to use Collectem, I get a popup saying 'This is an unusual access'.
    • The ZEPETO team reviews and takes appropriate action against users whose behavior violates our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service in order to provide an enjoyable and safe experience. If any unusual activity is detected while using Collectibles, a pop-up will be displayed to inform you. Please help us keep Collectem fair.
  • What are the odds of winning each item?
    • Each spin is based on probability, and certain items may not appear after a certain number of spins. Based on the probability information provided, all items have a fair chance of appearing. Please note that it is possible to draw the same item multiple times, depending on the odds.

  • Where can I find Collectem items?
    • Collectem items can be found in the drop menu within the Collectible and in My Closet. However, the rewards for Count Rewards and PICK items are given via the Gift Box.
  • Can I gift Collectem to friends?
    • Unfortunately, you can't gift Collectem to your friends, but you can gift Miles instead of Collectem, so give them Miles!
  • I picked a Room Item from a Collectem, but I don't see it in my Items.
    • Room items are interior items, so you'll need to check your Space, not My Items.


Reward items

  • How do I get counted reward items?
    • The number of times you pick up an item from the Collectem will give you a special item in your Inbox!



  • Can I use my remaining Miles in the next Collectem Event?
    • When a Collectem event ends, your Miles will also end at the same time and will not be available for the next Collectem. We recommend that you use all your remaining Miles within the duration of the ongoing event.
  • Is there any way to exchange Miles for ZEMs?
    • Once you've earned Miles, you can't exchange them for Zems - they can only be redeemed through the Collectem draw.



  • I can't pick.
    • Please make sure that the account you are logged into is not a guest account, and check your ZEM stock. If you have enough Zems and you're not able to spin, make sure you haven't exceeded your daily spin limit. The daily limit is reset at 0:00 UTC+9 every day.

This text was originally written in Korean and has been translated into English for your convenience.