FaceCode FAQ FaceCode FAQ

FaceCode FAQ


Buying FaceCodes

  • I don't see my free FaceCode in my items.
    • Free FaceCodes are not stored in MY items tab and are applied directly to your current avatar. If you'd like to keep your free FaceCode, save it to your avatar slot before the offer period ends.
    • However, you can view your purchased FaceCodes (not free ones) in MY inventory tab.
  • I want to purchase a FaceCode without the avatar type. When I wear the FaceCode, the avatar type doesn't change.
    • FaceCodes can be applied and purchased with an avatar type.
    • If you want to change your avatar type, you'll need to remove the FaceCode in the avatar shop first, then change your avatar type.
  • The FaceCode doesn't appear in my Wish list.
    • You can view your wishlisted FaceCode items in Shop - MY just like any other item. However, if you've added a FaceCode avatar (FaceCode item + avatar type + styling) to your Wish list, you can only see it in the Face Store.


Wearing a FaceCode

  • Can I edit my avatar after applying a FaceCode?
    • You can adjust the customization or color values while wearing the FaceCode. However, once you save the changes, your previous customization before applying the FaceCode will be lost. The FaceCode can be reapplied from your items at any time, but saved customization cannot be restored, so please be cautious.
  • I want to return to my original avatar before wearing the FaceCode.
    • You can go to MY - Inventory - Wearing and click a FaceCode to remove it and return to your previously saved appearance.
  • The thumbnail of the FaceCode doesn't look the same as the one I'm wearing.
    • Make sure you haven't purchased only the FaceCode item (Custom).
    • If you purchased only a FaceCode item, makeup items, lenses, body type, etc. are not included.
    • Some of the items included in the FaceCode avatar may not be available for purchase depending on the country and time period of the sale.
  • When selecting a FaceCode in my inventory, it says "Avatar not active."
    • This means that the FaceCode is no longer being sold. You will still be able to see and use the FaceCode and items you've already purchased in your inventory as normal.


Creating a FaceCode

Go to the guide on creating FaceCodes

  • I want to sell my own FaceCode.
    • FaceCodes can only be sold by Face Creators. Face Creators are selected through our regular ZAC (ZEPETO Avatar Contest), so don't miss your chance!
  • I can't submit a FaceCode.
    • Please make sure your account is authorized to sell FaceCodes, and that your FaceCode doesn't contain a non-sellable type of item.
    • Types of items that cannot be sold: Limited edition items, Lucky Box items, Premium-only items, World-only items, discontinued items, etc.
  • I can't see my FaceCode in Studio Insights/Trends.
    • FaceCodes are not yet included in Studio Insights/Trends. Please check your sales history through the Sales tab.


  • I found a FaceCode that violates the guidelines.
    • You can report a FaceCode by tapping the More button on the list of FaceCode items.