Premium subscription is not paid. Premium subscription is not paid.

Premium subscription is not paid.


If you're having trouble with premium payment, check the following!

  1. Guest account cannot subscribe to Premium. Please check if the account you are trying to subscribe with is registered as a member.
  2. If you have a ZEPETO account that's already subscribed to Premium, you cannot make additional subscriptions from other ZEPETO accounts.


[Android user]

Additional subscriptions are not available if you are already using Premium subscription.


[iPhone user]

According to the Apple Store policy, only one device, one app store account, and one ZEPETO account can be used for subscription. If you try to subscribe additionally by changing only the App Store and ZEPETO accounts on the same device, it may not be reflected correctly.

※ If there is a purchase that is not applied correctly, please make sure to request a refund to Apple.