ZEPETO is a service used by many global users.
To ensure all users can enjoy ZEPETO, please respect other users. Please do not post any content (including, but not limited to comments and feed posts) that can be threatening, discriminating, bullying, disrespectful or hurtful.
Any posts that include swearing or criticism is considered a violation of the Community Guidelines, and can be subject to sanctions.
If you experience conflict with another user, or feel uncomfortable by another user's post while using ZEPETO, please read below.
If you are experiencing personal conflicts with another user(s)
- Do not create fake accounts to seek harm on another user, or attack using posts. We understand everyone has different points of view.
- However, instead of having aggressive conversations or taking aggressive actions, please reflect on the impact that your actions may have on the ZEPETO community.
- If you experience an unpleasant conversation or contact, block the other user. A blocked user will not be able to contact you.
If another user's action violates the community guidelines or is illegal
- Use the 'Report' function in the app to report a user who is violating the community guidelines. The ZEPETO team will take action as soon as possible.
- If you believe that another user's conduct is considered cyber crime, seek help from an investigative or judicial authority. ZEPETO may, if necessary, take action in coorperation with law enforcement authorities.
Please help to make ZEPETO a safe and fun environment for all users!