Revision of Live Streaming Guidelines (Effective June 10, 2024) Revision of Live Streaming Guidelines (Effective June 10, 2024)

Revision of Live Streaming Guidelines (Effective June 10, 2024)


Hi, this is the ZEPETO Team.

We always appreciate our users enjoying our service. ZEPETO Live Streaming Guidelines are designed to help Live creators understand the requirements to be eligible as a Live Creator on ZEPETO and to ensure a safer and healthier Live ecosystem.

Our company has revised ZEPETO Live Streaming Guidelines (the “Guidelines) to clearly communicate the responsibilities we ask of our creators and to specify which activities are strictly prohibited on our platform.


1. Major Updates

1) Live Creator Compliance Requirements
2) Live Creator Qualifications
3) Enforcement Actions
4) Live Content Guideline Update
- Prohibition of malicious rumors and defamation against individuals and groups
- Guidelines on commercial activities and simultaneous broadcasting using Live avatars 

Current Community Guidelines

Revised Community Guidelines

Welcome to ZEPETO LIVE, a great way to show off more of your creativity and personality.

The following [Live Stream Do's and Dont's] guidelines are here to help you thrive, connect with your audience, and express yourself both fully and responsibly.

To effectively engage with your audience and create quality content, be sure to read our tips in the "Do" section. If you are new to ZEPETO Live, our Essential Guide for LIVE Beginners offers additional helpful insights.

Remember, with the privilege of reaching a wide audience as a Live Creator comes the added responsibility to uphold high standards.

Failing to follow our Community Guidelines or the "Do Not" section of the following guidelines can result in the temporary or permanent suspension of your live streaming privileges AND your ZEPETO account.

At ZEPETO, we deeply value the safety, dignity, diversity, and inclusion of all of our users. Thank you for your support in making ZEPETO safer and more welcoming for everyone.

Welcome to ZEPETO Live, a great way to show off more of your creativity and personality. To ensure a safer and healthier ZEPETO Live ecosystem, please refer to the following ZEPETO Live Streaming Guidelines.

Remember, with the privilege of reaching a wide audience as a Live Creator comes the added responsibility to uphold high standards.


At ZEPETO, we deeply value the safety, dignity, diversity, and inclusion of all of our users. Thank you for your support in making ZEPETO safer and more welcoming for everyone. If you are new to ZEPETO Live, check out our Essential Guide for Live Beginners ,which offers helpful insights and tips.

[Live Creator Compliance Requirements]

[Live Creator Qualifications]

  • If you are a child (under the laws of your country), you are prohibited from broadcasting live streams.
  • If you are a minor (under the laws of your country), live streaming is permitted only with the consent of a parent or legal guardian. If you are a minor, you must obtain permission from your parent or legal guardian to use the service and ask them to agree to the Guidelines and ZEPETO Terms. You represent and warrant that (i) you have reached the age of majority in your country, or (ii) if you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian has agreed to the ZEPETO Terms. You acknowledge that your access to the service may be restricted if the above representation and warranty are found to be false.

[Enforcement Actions]

  • We may, in our sole discretion, restrict, suspend, or terminate your account if we reasonably determine you have breached any part of ZEPETO Terms.
  • You may not create multiple accounts or request another user to create a secondary account on your behalf in order to evade the temporary or permanent suspension of your account(s).
  • In no event shall we be liable for any liability or indemnity claims by a third-party resulting from your violation of any provisions of ZEPETO Terms or the Guidelines, in accordance with applicable provisions of the ZEPETO Terms of Use and the ZEPETO Studio Terms of Use.

[Live Content Guidelines]

We can delete or limit access to any content that violates our Guidelines at any time. Repeatedly violating our Guidelines may lead to the suspension or permanent prohibition of ZEPETO access and all connected ZEPETO accounts.

🟢 Do:

Try out a variety of engaging content in your stream (e.g. mini quizzes, playing in World, storytelling, skits)
Have open conversations with your viewers, build trust, and nurture authentic connections
Create your own reaction gestures for extra fun!
Use "My Collection" to show off your fun fashion style with your viewers
Report, mute, or ban viewers who make you feel uncomfortable or are disrupting your stream
Select trustworthy friends to help manage and moderate your live stream. Set clear rules and expecations with your audience.
Live Creators are leaders of our community. You can help build a safer, positive, and respectful community by exemplifying model behaviors and setting clear rules and expectations with your audience.
Try to maintain and promote a regular broadcast schedule so your viewers know when to tune in to your live streams
Stay active! Use your live stream to have fun, respond to your viewers and refrain from being idle.
Don't limit yourself to the mobile experience, try to stream also using ZEPETO LIVE PC for a wider range of contents
Make use of all ZEPETO features!
Use your feed by creating and sharing video clips of the most interesting moments of your streams
Create your own ZEPETO club and expand communication
Keep track of your growth through the statistics and insights provided by ZEPETO Studio
Create the right environment for the best streaming experience by selecting a good internet connection and a quiet space.

1. Compliance with Community Guidelines

All contents streamed, posted and shared on ZEPETO Live (in any format, including but not limited to audio, image, video, and text) must comply with the ZEPETO Community Guidelines.


2. Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

We ask that you be mindful of your privacy and avoid giving out too much information about yourself. The same rule goes for when talking about other people's PII.

Do not share your login credentials with anyone to use your Live stream access. "PII" means any data that could potentially be used to identify a specific individual. Examples include full legal name, physical address, phone number, etc.


3. Hateful activities and Harassment

  • We do not tolerate any acts of hatred or harassment. Inciting the audience to exclude, bully, or harass others, including ZEPETO users and ZEPETO Creators, is strictly prohibited on ZEPETO. 
  • Malicious defamation of individuals or groups, as well as content that encourages disputes among them, is not permitted. 
  • Live content aimed at disparaging or spreading malicious rumors about individuals or specific groups is prohibited.
  • Please refrain from making negative comments about others' personality, intelligence, innate qualities, or appearance.
  • We do not encourage publicly evaluating or criticizing another creator's content unless you are specifically requested for feedback or wish to provide constructive feedback that is helpful, focused, and solution-oriented.



Do Not:

Share Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

We ask that you be mindful of your privacy and avoid giving out too much information about yourself. The same rule goes for when talking about other people's PII.

*PII is any data that could potentially be used to identify a specific individual. Examples include full legal name, physical address, phone number, etc.
Share your login credentials with anyone to use your live stream access.
Offer, solicit, or present any sexually provocative content or behaviors during live streaming
Disrespect, harass, or bully others while you are live.

Inciting audience to exclude, bully or harass others, including ZEPETO users and ZEPETO Creators is strictly prohibited on ZEPETO.

Live streams dedicated to degrading, disrespecting, and spread rumors about individuals or groups of individuals are prohibited. Avoid making negative remarks about someone's nature, personality, intelligence, innate qualities, or physical appearance, including body shaming.

We recognize that interpersonal conflicts may arise on a dynamic real-time communication feature such as Live streaming. We understand context matters, and we take it into account when enforcing our Community Guidelines.

We ask you to refrain from using our platform to incite hate, or promote bullying.
Instead, we encourage you to engage in constructive debates and respectful conversations to foster a positive ZEPETO experience as community leaders.

Criticize other Creator's work unless you have established relationships and trust with them or have been explicitly asked to provide constructive feedback.
Constructive feedback describes helpful, focused, and solution-oriented feedback rather than negative and unhelpful feedback. It comes from the spirit of partnership and mutual learning.
Use copyrighted music in your content. You should only create, post, and share content on ZEPETO that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to. We recommend using music or sounds provided on the ZEPETO app. Learn more here
Broadcast outside of official live streaming hours in your region

Broadcasting hours:

Korea/Japan (UTC+9): 12:00 pm-3:00 am
Indonesia (UTC+7): 12:00 pm-3:00 am
United States ET (UTC-4): 12:00 pm-04:00 am
France (UTC+1): 10:00 am - 00:00 am
Thailand (UTC+7): 13:00 pm-3:00 am
Taiwan (UTC+8): 15:00 pm-00:00 am

4. Sexual Content  

Offering, soliciting, or presenting any sexually explicit or suggestive content or behaviors during Live streaming is strictly prohibited.            


5. Copyright

You should only create, post, and share content on ZEPETO that you own, or that you otherwise have rights to. We recommend using music or sounds provided on the ZEPETO app. [Learn more here]

6. Debated Social Issues

Depiction of the following subjects in a polarizing or inflammatory manner may result in the suspension of broadcasting.

  • Race
  • Gender
  • Sex
  • National origin
  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Socioeconomic class
  • Religion
  • Immigration
  • Territorial disputes
  • Desecration of national flags or political entity symbols
  • Political content (e.g. referencing, promoting, or opposing government officials, political affiliation, political candidates, political parties, elections and other political processes) without prior authorization by NAVER Z       

7. Commercial Activities Using ZEPETO Avatars

  • To use ZEPETO's PC program and avatar model provided for Live activities on platforms other than ZEPETO, Live Creators must obtain prior consent.
  • The use of ZEPETO IP for paid advertisements, sponsorships, product placements (PPL), and sponsorship broadcast on other platforms for commercial purposed is strictly prohibited without prior consultation and a licensing agreement with ZEPETO. For further details, please contact ZEPETO Support Center.
  • Simultaneous broadcasting on other platforms is permitted without prior consultation only under the following conditions, provided that the Term of Use and Community Guidelines are followed, and proper credit is given in accordance with ZEPETO UGC Usage Guideline.
      • Revenue generated from live streaming donations or pay-per-play performance fees not directly from the use of ZEPETO IP
      • Broadcasts for non-commercial purposes

8. Live Streaming Hours


Broadcast outside of official Live streaming hours in your region is not allowed. Please refer to the official hours by region.


    Broadcasting hours:

  • South Korea/Japan (GMT+9) / United States (GMT-4) / France (GMT+1) : Available 24 hours a day
  • Indonesia (GMT+7) : 12:00 pm-03:00 am
  • Thailand (GMT+7) : 13:00 pm-03:00 am
  • Taiwan (GMT+8) : 15:00 pm-00:00 am


9. Other Prohibited Activities

  • When participating as a Live Creator, you must refrain from any actions that may damage or defame the ZEPETO brand or cause any tangible or intangible harm to NAVER Z.
  • Do not direct your audience to leave ZEPETO or provide links to other platforms for Live streams.
  • Do not repeatedly upload content that is identical or similar to previously broadcasted streams.  

 To build a safer and healthier Live culture, we encourage respectful conversations between Live Creators and viewers , and foster an environment that support mutual growth among creators. By following the Live Streaming Guidelines, you can help create a positive ZEPETO experience as a community leader.     



2. Effective Date

1. Notice period: June 10, 2024 - July 10, 2024
2.Effective Date: July 10, 2024

3. Contact Us For Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions about the updated Guidelines, please email us. Failure to adhere to the updated Guidelines may result in restrictions on your use of ZEPETO Live service. If you do not express your objection before the effective date, you will be deemed to have accepted the updated Guidelines.

Our team is dedicated to supporting and serving our ZEPETO users and community. We'll continue our efforts to ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone.

Thank you for being a part of ZEPETO.